A BIG Reputation

At Ascent Specialized, we are known for delivering on specialized transportation solutions all across North America. We are committed to being your premier transportation partner, no matter how big, heavy, or complicated your freight.

Trust and Reputation

Our commitment to ethical practices and excellence builds a reputation that attracts partners who share our values. Ascent has been named to Newsweek’s Most Trustworthy Companies in 2023. This accolade is a testament to our unwavering commitment to ethical practices, integrity, and delivering exceptional quality in everything we do. It reflects our dedication not just to logistics, but to building lasting, trust-filled partnerships.

Doing the right thing is in our DNA. It’s about:

1. Integrity in Every Step: We’re committed to ethical practices, just as we are to each other in a family. Every action, every decision is taken with honesty and integrity.

2. Unwavering Quality: We promise to deliver not just services but excellence. It’s our way of showing we care – about you, your business, and our shared journey.

3. Responsibility and Care: We stand by our actions and decisions, just as a family does. We’re accountable to you, to our community, and to the environment we all share.

The Heart of Our Philosophy

At Ascent Specialized, our journey is more than moving freight; it’s about building a network of trust and excellence. We invite you to join us in this journey, where partnerships are valued, and doing the right thing is non-negotiable.